Supply & Demand in forex 2022

 Basic Support and Resistance Guidelines Basic Support and Resistance Guidelines :

Resistance once broken becomes Support; Supply becomes Demand. Support once

 broken becomes Resistance; Demand becomes Supply.

A reversal candle must form in these areas to consider taking action mt5 web.

Actual Support and Resistance Actual Support and Resistance (fxpro ctrader)

- A series of price bars.

-Prior highs / lows / bases.

-An unfilled gap between price bars.

Reading actual Supply and Demand (S-D) is the key to objective chart reading and higher probability trades.

Subjective Support and Resistance S

Moving Averages

- Retracements

- Trendlines

- Time

Also guides to anticipate reversal points.

Without price points in the same area, these are Time less significant binance mt4

Reading Supply and Demand is the key to objective chart reading and higher probability trades.

 Ask these questions when analyzing. What is the “Potency” of Supply and Demand above and

 below? Is that Supply and Demand area, a pivot (1-3 bars) or a base? What is the distance

 between Supply and Demand ? Has there been a retest or a break of a prior high – low? What is

 the depth or penetration into the prior candle or prior S-D? Price bars are the universal truth in

 technical analysis: Support or Demand, and Resistance or Supply. The patterns they form

 represent commitment with real money. that is not subjective, and is what moves the market.

 Pivots or “V” Reversals: one to three bar reversal points within a trend. They are focal points;

 the Supply or Demand there is not that significant. Multiple bar reversal points are significant

 areas of Supply or Demand. They form rounding or square formations within a trend - best

 platform for trading xm mt5 and you can use trading vps for compy strartgie from Pro trader 

you can find somme free cours in udemy trading

how to make 1000 $ in us30 in one day

how to make 1000 $ in us30 

 day training addict

 and i haveanother great video for you guystoday i'm going to show you guys theonly us dirty trading strategyyou will ever need okay i'm going toshow you how to make1k a day trading the us 30. so you readyokay so let's go now the strategythat we are going to use to make 1ka day is called supply and demand andi'm going to show you guys a live videolater on okay so bear with me but i wantto show you guysexamples first on why i actuallytrade this strategy okay i'm gonna showyou guys why this strategy is sopowerfulso if you look at this screen right nowwe arelooking for aggressive buying andaggressive selling why is that wellwe all know that us retailers we cannotpush the market so we have tofollow the leader i know some of youguys you knowprobably have been taught hey man youknow don'tbe a follower be a leader no in thisgame guys you wantto be a follower you want to follow therich okay you don't want to follow theherd okay sothis example right here to the left wehave the market going up and we haveaggressive buying right herelook how we have multiple green candlesin a rowso when price comes back to this levelright hereguess what i want to be a buyer whybecause if price decided to movea lot okay around this area okay we'repretty much started at it's a strongpossibility that whoever pushed thismarket upright here is going to buy more when itcomes back to this area right here rightso i want to be a buyer when it comes tothis areaso if they do push this market up ican profit from that okay and you willsee this happen overand over and over and over now we have adown example right here the market isgoing down if it comes back to thisarea right here guys this

 supply arearight here guysi

 want to be a seller why becausewhoeversold this market right here it's astrong possibilityokay that they will sell some more whenit comes back to this areaand i'm looking for my profits so i'mgoing to show you guys someexamples right now on the chart andagain the reason why i really love thisstrategy guys number oneyou are following the rich okay you'refollowing the people that move themarketand number two i can use this strategyno matter what the market is doingif it's ranging if it's trending ifit's reversing okay i can use it onsupport and resistancewhatever the market is doing guys i canuse this strategy that's why i reallylove this strategy solet me show you guys some examples firstand then i'm gonna show you guys a videoof me trading this strategylive making 1k in a day so let's gonow this is a market that most you guyslook at and say you know what nah idon't think i want to trade that marketand mark's not really you know doinganything well when i look at this marketi seean opportunity okay so we have righthere the marketpretty much going up right down updown it's not really doing nothing rightnowwhen we decide to go down right herenotice how we havea lot of aggressive selling right hereso mepersonally i will wait for price to comeback to this area right here okayand i will look for some type ofreactionnow to keep things simple we are goingto get inas soon as price get to thiszone right here okay and we can actuallyput our stop lossabove that zone and we can look for ourprofits okayto keep things simple on this video buti have other videos you canlook on my channel where i go in youknow detail where you can just usecandlesticks if you want toum you know to get in so that is aranger market let me show you guysanother example okayso what do we have here well a marketthat looks like it's not doing anythingbut i do see an opportunity i see themarketgoing up okay down up down up downand next thing you know okay i seeaggressivebuying right here well i want to be abuyerif price comes back to this level righthere guysand if price comes back to this levelright here i want to be a buyer becausei knowthat smart money aka the rich okaydecided to push

 up this market so ifthey docome back to this area again it's astrong possibilityokay they might buy again to push up themarket even moreso me personally i would get in andi will look for profits right so this ishow i'm attacking the marketevery single day i'm looking for smartmoney to show their hands firsti don't want to buy just because i seea candlestick no i want to see smartmoneyfirst and then i want the price to comeback to that areaand then i want to be either a buyer ora sellerokay that's how i look at the market letme show you guys another exampleokay so this example we are looking atthe market reversing okay soyou have the market going up and nextyou know it started to reversenow a lot of times it will come backright let's say that it started toreverse right it would come backto this area right here so you noticehow we have aggressive selling righthere so let's say that the market wasgoing okay to come back to this arearight here so we started to reverseand then i see the market do somethinglike this come back to this areai will definitely get in okay but itdidn't give methat you know option right here so thenext available opportunity is right hereso the market okaysold off right here it came back and itgaveus okay a nice you know down move righthereto gain some profits and also gave youanother okaysupply right herewe have aggressive selling right here sothis could be another supplyzone right here okay and you go shortand you can look for profits and this iswhat i'm doing every single day guysright it doesn't matter if the market isreversingit doesn't matter if the market istrending it doesn't matter if the marketis rangingi'm looking for opportunities no matterwhat and actually have an indicatorthat spots these supply and demand zonesif you don't know how to basically youknow spotsupply and demand but i teach mystudents how to look forsupply and demand without this indicatorbut you know if you're newit could definitely help you and noticehow we have these shortsignals these short signals only work ifit's at a key levelso notice how we are not at a key levelright

 here um actually we do have 

a keylevel right here so we have this supplyright here soi will mark this down all right but ifprice is not at that key leveli wouldn't take you know a shortconfirmation okay off these levels butyou will wait for a price to come backto a key level like supply okay noticehow we haves for supply and you look for you knowto go shortbut anyway guys this is what i'm doingevery single day i'm looking for supplyand demandso let's go to more examples now okay sohere's a trendingexample we have the market going up wehave this aggressivebuying all right i want to be a buyerwhen it comes back to this area righthereokay and then i want to look for myprofitsactually it gave us another you knownice buying right here soeven if you missed this one this wasanother opportunity right here guysand you go long right here okay and youpretty much look for your profits rightand againthis is what i'm doing every single dayand this works with any market today i'mtalking about the us 30 but it doesn'tmatterwhat market you're looking at it worksright solet me show you guys another example andthen i'm gonna show you guys my livetrading so let's go okay guys soremember i told you guys it doesn'tmatter what it is if the market'srangingtrending you know doesn't matter we havesupport and resistance right here rightmultiple touches right here marketbreaks it it was resistance nowsince we broke that resistance turnedinto what supportit came back to support now and guesswhat it gave usthis nice aggressive buying right hereso when the market comes back to thatarea guys guess whati want to be a buyer socome back i'm looking to buy get in themarket and looking for my profitsthis is what i'm doing every single dayguys right so let's go to that liveexample guys so i can show you guys howi look at the marketwhen i'm trading live so let's go okayso this is pretty much when istarted to record my screen right um iwasn't trying to record that day sothat's why i started to record late butlet's look at this example right here ifyou look to the left right here we havesupportthe market came back to support itbounced off supportand it came back to this demand levelright here let me show you real quick soyou see this box right here that i'mbasically um putting in right here themarket came backto that demand now i'm looking on theone-minute chart okayit doesn't matter what time frame youare looking at ityou know shows up on the one-minutechart the five-minute chart the one-hourchart you know i day trade soi'm looking at you know small timeframes um butyou know i definitely don't recommendtraders to look at the one-minute chartif you're new i've been doing this for13 years soyou know it doesn't bother me now i sawdemand it came back to that demandlevel right here and i got in and thenwent backup and so i added some more okay i addedsome more while the market was goingback upso if you look at the market right nowguys i'm pretty muchup like around 400 and something dollarsso i'm waiting for the market togo to my level okay so i cantake my profit so let's fast forwardthis a little bit nowthis is the five minute chart i switchedto the five-minute chart and i want youguys to notice somethingi'm waiting for the market to push toyou know my profit targetbut the market is pulling back and ifyou want tobecome great okay or very good when itcomes to trading guys you have to learnhow to be patient yes the market couldcome backand stop me out for break even but if itcomes backand hit me break even it is what it isyou can't get scared when it pulls backbecause you have to understand themarket doesn't go straight upor it doesn't go straight down so whenyou are waiting for your profits okayespecially if you have a big reward andyou're waiting for that rewardokay you have to be patient and dealwith the little pullbacksokay so let's fast forward this andlet's see what happened nextokay so the market started to pop up andnotice that right nowi'm up around like 800 okayand i'm waiting for that market to popeverything looking goodand this is why i told you guys to bepatient with your tradesdon't get out just because you know youseeone pullback of course you have to havea plan some doing this for you know 13 years umyou know i'm used to this stuff sothis is not me just blindly going in andsaying i hope this works noi understand what price is doing and iunderstand it's a strong possibilitythat can actually go to my profit target

Stock Market: Price Action Analysis (Feb 2022)

Stock Market: Price Action Analysis

 hey hey what's up my friends so welcome/back to this month's price action/analysis where i share with you the best/trending markets that i'm seeing in 

Themarkets right now

 so we cover stocks we/cover forex commodities and whatnot so/let's kick off right with the stock/market because that's where i'm seeing/the action lies right now so if you look/at the s p 500 recently right we have a/pullback a relatively steep pullback/right from 4800 down to about the low of/4200 so if you look or rather if you do/the math right then it's about a 15/decline i'm just i'm just calculating at/the top of my head about a 15 decline/and if you look back historically on the/s p 500 pullbacks is perfectly right/normal right in the stock market or any/market because you need pullback right/for the trend to sustain itself you know/whether the wick holders they get you/know uh washed out new buyers to come in/the train continue itself and the cycle/rings repeat itself so a trend right/it's only sustained sustainable when/there is you know app and flow in the/market when there is a pullback a/continuation of the move or pull back/etc so if you look back right/historically with this you know pull/back here pull back here pull back here/pull back pull back pull back i'm just/kind of like drawing the obvious one i'm/seeing over here here here and the more/recent ones over here so when you are/trading stocks right it's uh perfectly/sound right to have pullback you know/anywhere between 10 to 20 or even 30/pullback right it's normal right but/what i would say abnormal if you have a/pullback that is uh/larger than 30 you know 40 50 and/probably we are in a bear market in a/recession and that's where you want to/you know shift your/your uh buyers from bullish to bearish/so that's uh one thing to share another/thing to add is so it's very important/right to have a line or rather an area/on the chart where you tell yourself if/the price if the market/breaks below that level right you will/stop being bullish you will stop buying/stocks instead you would rather want to/remain in cash so for me that level/right now on this chart is around the/4200 price point okay so if the price or/if the smp 500 breaks and close below/this area of support if it comes down/lower breaks close below it right i will/stop being bullish i will stop buying/stocks okay and whatever positions i/have for running whatever cash i have/i'll just let it remain in cash i will/stop buying stocks so until that level/is broken right uh i will still remain/bullish in the stock market and of/course all right like all/traders out there right i have my share/of losses as well when this stock market/came down lower this pullback i got/stopped out on a number of positions and/i want to share them with you right now/because that is kind of like the reality/of trading there's no way of not uh/having losses in the stock market so let/me share with you one which i i already/took i'll share with you this one first/this one i spoke about last uh i think/on the previous month's market analysis/i said i was bullish on this stock/called marvel technologies right you can/see that this trend is in a nice uptrend/price coming towards this area of/support with a nice bullish price/rejection i got long on the next candle/right so on this next candle i got long/okay then i had my first target right/just before this swing high right but of/course before the price can reach my/target what happened is that this stock/pretty much collapsed down lower so i/got a loss i got hit on this loss right/when the overall

 stock market 

correct so/again i'm not spared i have losses/myself as well another trade that i also/had a loss is asana/okay just to walk you through so this/one over here/i had a entry trigger right to go along/when this uh stock right was uh forming/this bull flag pattern in this upgrade/so you can see this stock is in an/uptrend it from a nice blue flag break/and close above it i went long and i had/a trailing stop-loss i was looking to/ride this long-term uptrend higher and/again what happened is again uh again i/pretty much caught the top right i/bought right at the highest before the/stock uh collapsed down lower and hit my/trailing stop-loss so again uh i have/losses myself i don't hide it right i/just want to share with you that you/know as a trader right no matter how/many years you've been trading right you/will still see losses right when the/especially when you trade stocks and the/overall stock market makes a pullback/you will almost i won't say guarantee/right but you are very likely to see/losses on across the board as well okay/so those are a few things to share with/you so moving on right uh opportunities/that i'm seeing right now so there are a/few opportunities in the oil sector so/if you look at the just i'll just share/with you the oil/sector we can look at the brand crude/oil you can see that it's pretty much a/very nice uh uptrend right since i think/the last one year so ever since the/price went negative in the futures/market for wti this is the brand crude/oil by the way right ever since the wti/went negative for the futures market the/oil market if you don't know i'm talking/about never mind right just just know/that the oil market over the last couple/of years very nice bullish uptrend and/this right/translate right to individual oil stocks/which are also in an uptrend so a few/oil stocks which are i would say worth/keeping a lookout let me just walk you/through first one is/cop concoct philips/hold on i'm a cop right this concoct/phillips right so there this is the oil/company so you can see that oh this is/similar the price section of this is/similar to the oil uh market which i/shared with you a little brand crude oil/or wtr they look similar because this is/an oil stock so if you want to look for/opportunities right buying opportunities/in this stock right you can see this/stock is in an uptrend uh why i picked/this one is also because this stock/right had a/positive earnings right over the last/few quarters you can see bits earning/expectation here here here here and you/kind of get my point it's a nice up/trend great so next question is where/can we look for buying opportunities/where is the area of value and from what/i'm seeing over here i would say this is/an let's try the 50ma okay so/50ma uh yeah price slicing a little bit/this one not too relevant so say this/one over here right it's an aerial/valley worth keeping a lookout around/the 80 dollar price point slightly below/the 80/so you can see the this is the swing/high price we tested it once over here/possibly if oil makes a pullback right/this would be the area i'm looking for/for bullish/price rejection right to get/an opportunity opportunity to go along/on this stock so looking something like/a hammer right let's say that's a/entry trigger to go long so you can look/to enter on the next day open stop loss/would go a distance below this low/somewhere about here uh if you're/looking to capture that one swing up/higher i would say possible target could/be just below before the 92 dollar price/point so your risk to reward would be/something like from here right this/would be your your reward re/then from here right to here right would/be your risk so from a risk to reward/standpoint i would say risking a dollar/to possibly make a dollar fifty cents or/more somewhere along those lines i do/not have the exact figures because i i/did not use the tool to measure the risk/to reward but they're about there/assuming that/this is the entry trigger we have/assuming the entry stops in target which/i've just shared with you so this is a/concord philips stock to keep a lookout/another oil stock is mro marathon oil/corporation so you can see it's very/similar to uh concoct phillips very/similar to the oil/market i shared with you if i show you/uh wti okay let's go to futures/oil futures you can see/they look they are i would say they look/similar right not exactly noted for that/but yeah similar so anyway back to mro/marathon oil futures yep so again i'm/bullish on this stock this setup is very/similar to uh concord philips so i don't/think we need to you know talk too much/about it but the key level i will be/looking for is around the 17 price point/all right if the market if this stock/does make a pullback towards this area/of value looking for bullish price/rejection is here to occur before i look/for a long setup to get long on this/particular stock okay so/a few more to share right uh next one/right let's talk about breakout right so/this one here is a morgan stanley this/is not oil this is a bank okay/so you can see that morgan stanley if i/just zoom out a little bit let's go to a/weekly time frame why i like this is/that if you look at the weekly timeframe/this stock right is trading/near all-time highs this is all-time/high i said around 106 dollars so uh/stocks without which are trading at near/all-time highs is bullish because this/tells you that uh the stock is strong/right so this is why it's trading at all/times if a stroke is stock that's not/strong it's not fundamentally sound is/probably at all time lows or just you/know chopping up in the middle of/nowhere so technically right uh whenever/stock is near all-time highs i get i/love right to pay attention to it okay/so again uh you can see this stock over/here if you look at the weekly we see uh/depending which time frame you trade on/i personally i/rather look at the daily time frame you/can see that right now it's making this/consolidation of this rectangle over/here/okay so a simple way to to trade the/the uh this stock sorry is to simply/look to trade the breakout of this uh/this resistance okay so if the stock hit/higher towards this area of resistance/and it breaks and close above it right/you can look to enter to buy right and/to write the trend up higher so if you/are looking to write this long-term/uptrend it doesn't make sense to have/like a trillion stop-loss of let's say/five percent or maybe ten percent you/will/very obviously you will have a good/chance of getting stopped up because you/know if you look at this stock right it/swings uh/it

 swings up 

and down right so you can/from here it swings from 100 and like/106 dollars down to 92 dollars that is/like how much is that that is like uh i/don't know about ten percent 106 minus/ten dollars in 96 so about 15 decline/okay over here so if your trading stop/loss is like five percent ten percent/you are very likely to get you know/stopped out of this trade so you know if/you want to write the long term uptrend/of this stock have a wider trailing stop/loss i like to use a volatility uh to/trail my stop loss or one ways you can/use the average true range indicator/this indicator is called the chandelier/crosstalk it takes into account the/volatility of this stock and then it/adds a multiple to it so in this case/it's actually a 8 atr trailing stop loss/the multiple is eight okay so it's/something you could consider if it is/too wide for you you can reduce down to/five six you know it's up to your/preference but for me i like to go with/uh eight eight right so if i do catch/the trend okay you can see that i would/possibly hold on to this stock for quite/a while all right and i'm fine with it/because i like to just hold stocks not/do anything and kind of like get paid/right for being on the right side of the/trade so that's my my style/okay so this is a morgan stanley a/potential breakout on this stock another/one is our al koa corporation okay you/can see again this one here this stock/is bullish as well if you look at the/weekly time frame you know this one here/it's uh not near all-time highs but/multi-year highs okay all-time highs was/probably back in uh/2007. okay so right now we're near/multi-year highs around 65 this stock uh/is recovering i would say on the path to/recovery from its all-time highs right/so now it's on the path to recovery so/right now you can see that this stock/right is still uh right now it's/consolidating over here okay and then/possibly about to stage a breakout of/this high so again/a couple of ways you can look to trade/this so if we do get a pullback this/would be the level that you want to pay/attention to around here right there's a/pullback towards this swing low/okay stock would come up and then/reverse and give you a possible/setup right at this around this 55 level/so you can look for a bullish entry/trigger again something like a hammer a/bullish engulfing pattern if there is/that could be an/entry trigger for you to to get long/otherwise right you could for those of/you who are comfortable trading/breakouts or i can look to trade the/breakout right of this/high so right a break off this high/sorry i'm breaking close above it and/again uh trailing stop loss i prefer to/go with like a a wider trailing/


in terms of percentage will be/around i'll say/i'll say eight atr trailing stop-loss/that's what i've shared earlier okay/this this indicator here okay so so if/the price let's say just a hypothetical/scenario let's say the price does break/out out of this highs okay and you get/long and the price continues up higher/this blue line right will continue to go/up higher as well so you'll come to a/point where finally the price comes down/lower and break and close below this uh/chandelier crosstalk so this means that/the price has uh hit your trailing stop/loss and it's time to exit the trade so/that's kind of like your signal to get/out right when the trend is starting to/reverse okay so anyway that's a pretty/much it for me if you enjoy such a/market analysis you know you want to get/such a trending trading opportunities on/a weekly basis you can check out our pro/traders age this is a membership that i/offer where i share with you a detailed/breakdown of the markets i'm looking at/each week and every setup that i share/right i would say almost all of them are/trending markets we look at stocks we/look at forex commodities

VWAP Trading Strategies 2022 esay money

VWAP Trading Strategies 2022 esay money 


for having me herefor the third time actually with thirdwebinar today's topic is going to be theV which stands for volume weightedaverage price and what you'll learn isthis first we'll go quickly through aview of description and through somebasic logic of how to use the viveindicator then the core of the webinarwill be the view up trading setups thenwe'll go through the view up settingsI'll show you my personal favoritesettings which I use to trade with aview up so you can trade those tradingsetups the same way as I do and then thelast part of the webinar is going to bemy favorite combination of tradingindicators which is the view up plus thevolume profile so before we go into allthat I'll just do a brief introduction Iknow that the private a lot of peoplewho know me from my website buthopefully also some people who neverheard of me so just a brief introductionas far as my education goes I studiedfinance in university I became acertified portfolio manager investmentmanager and I also have a financialderivative certification I was workingas a market analyst for some time in abig brokerage company but I didn'treally like that I didn't really likeworking in this company for two reasonsactually the first reason was that Ididn't like how this company treatedtheir customers you know they justwanted the money of their customers andthey weren't really into like making anyprofits for the customers so I didn'tlike that approach also I didn't reallylike having a boss telling me what to doso I quit this company and I focusedfull-time on trading I was learning howto trade it was like twelve to fifteenhours every day I started doing thataround 2008 that was when a crisisstarted first I started with stocks thenI went into more complicated stuffit was investment certificates then Iwent into automated trainingstance and for the last couple of yearsI've been training mostly manually in2016 I found in the website traded hisday a lot to come and 

 developedindicators for a ninja trade

r seven anda ninja trader eight I developed volumeprofile indicators and also the view upindicator and what I also did was that Iwrote this book which you can see onyour screen volume profile the insidersguide to trading you'll get this bookfor free at the end of the webinaralright so let's get to it well let'sget to view up now what we have standsfor is volume weighted average price andit is one of the most commonly usedalgorithm of big trading institutionsnow the big difference between a V weband the standard average indicator thisis the standard average indicatoreverybody uses everybody tried this onefor trading when they were looking forthe Holy Grail right so there is onesignificant difference between standardaverage and the V WAP indicator and thebig difference is that when youcalculate the standard average youcalculate only with two variables it isthe time and the price and that's it thecalculation only works with time andprice where's the V Bob weighted isweighted by volumes so the calculationhas price time and volume and this isthe important thing the volume thingthis is why institutions like to usealgorithm software'sto trade using vive because institutionslike to trade using volume-basedindicators like folding profile or the VBob now let me demonstrate what thedifference actually is in standardtrading for normal people right soimagine with the standard average forexample the price is moving upwardsthere's an uptrend and you have thestandard average indicator and itbasically follows the price theupwards the average goes also upwardsbut with the vivre up there is a bigdifference because when it's rated withvivre up then the V web actually looksat the volumes and if there is big moneybehind the move then the V web goesupwards that is reacts but if there arelow 

volumes behind 

the move then themove is not that significant becausethere is no big money behind the moveright so if there is an uptrend andthere is no big volume push behind thatthen this uptrend is not really thatstrong because big institutions the bigguys aren't behind this move right andthe view up is able to tell you thatstandard average is not alright sothat's why I like to trade with a viewup that's why it's way better than thestandard average indicator and that'salso why the institutions like tradingwith it now how it looks like if youlook at this picture a V web isbasically a simple line in my softwareit is a yellow line that's it that's VBob it's pretty simple but there's a lotmore to it and a lot of tradingstrategies you can use it for good thingabout the view up is that you can use itwith all trading instruments so itdoesn't really matter if you are tradingforex or futures or communities thereare no limits to that you can use V labor any sort of trading and also thisgoes for the time frame so no matter ifyou are internally trader scout traderif you are more long-term trader itdoesn't matter you can use the view upfor all training styles it's all aboutjust setting the vivre up right and I'llshow you that later in this webinar allright so let's get into the basic logicof view up now the basic logic is thisinstitutions want to buy cheap and sellexpensive now everybody wants to buycheap and sell expensive right but thisis the basic logic behind the vivebecause this is how an institutealgorithms actually work this is thebasic logic institutions are looking fora by when the price is below vivre up soone if you look at the picture this isthe view up if the price is below viewup institutions are looking for a buynow looking for long trade signals nowif the price is moving above the vive uplike on this picture for example in herethen the institutions are looking for asell now why is that the reason is thatthe vo up works as a magnet there's alot of liquidity around the vive becauseeverybody wants to trade around the viewup it's sort of fair value in the marketso it works as a magnet this is animportant thing to remembervo up always works as a magnet so theprice tends to return to it like thisalright so that's why the basic logicbehind view up is by when the price isbelow vo up and sell when the price isabove you up now the trading strategiesI'm going to show you are not thatsimple this is basically just the basiclogic but you can also build your owntrading strategies just based on thisfact based on the fact then vo up worksas a magnet the price tends to return toit alright so let's move forward apartfrom the give up line which is thisyellow line the indicator I developedalso has standard deviations and thoseare really important at least for my wayof trading now if you look at thepicture then this is the view up andthose gray lines this one and this onethose are first deviations of the viewup now also there is a second line inhere and in here and those are 

seconddeviations of VO 

up now in my tradingand instrategies which I'm going to show youtoday I'm not really into using thesecond deviations some traders use themI already don't I prefer just to use thefirst deviations and also the view upyou can turn those on or off in thesoftware so no problem with thatnow standard deviations are moreresponsive than the view up and for thatreason they are able to show you whetherthere is a trend or a rotation nowsometimes you can tell by just lookingat the price action right whether thereis a trend or whether there is arotation but sometimes is not that clearand also you have to keep in mind thatview up and the deviations calculatewith the volumes now when there is atrend you want to see volumes shiftingyou want to see volumes moving so ifthere's an uptrend you want to seevolumes moving up verts right so this iswhy the deviations can tell you with apretty good accuracy whether there is atrend or a rotation so basically itworks like thatif the deviations move sideways thosegray lines if they move sideways andthere is a rotation if they move likevertically then there is a trend I'llshow you some more examples it will beway more clear for now just rememberthat the deviations show you what thereis a trend or a rotation now also maybemore importantly deviations point tostrong support and resistance zones andthat works in a rotation as well in thetrend market development so this ispretty important in trading strategieswhich I'm going to show you deviationworks as support and resistance zonesnow this is sort of little recap of howto use the view up basically you use itfor threethings use standard deviations toidentify whether there is a rotation ora trend as the first thing the secondone use standard deviations to identifysupport and resistance zones and thirduse veve up that's the yellow line inthe middle as it take profit the reasonfor that is it works as a magnet soremember those three points you canbasically build your own strategiesaround those I'll show you mineright so you up set up number one it hasvery original name rotation set up andit's called a rotation set up because Iuse it when there is a rotation so whatthe first thing with this set up isidentify a rotation as I said you dothat by looking at the first deviationsso you wanna see deviations goingsideways first deviations so this grayline this is the first deviation movessideways this one too so this is arotation right we identify the rotationnow it gets real simple you go shortwhen the price hits this first deviationand you go long when the price hits thisdeviation the slower deviation issupport this one is a resistance theprice is moving between those twobetween this support and this resistanceso let me delete that if you look at thepicture and here the price hit the firstdeviation you go long again in hereanother long another long from here thenfrom this deviation there is a shortfrom this place short from this placealright sothat's how basically you can trade thisrotation set up as I said and I'llprobably say it many times during thiswebinar take profit is the view up itdoesn't need to be but in my experienceit's pretty solid place to take yourprofit alright so we've up line yellowline works as a magnet and it is niceplace to take your profits now anotherexample of this rotation setup let'sfirst have a look at the firstdeviations this one and this one theyare moving sidewaysthey're moving horizontally which meansthat the market is calm and there is arotation so we can start looking for therotation setup this deviation line is asupport this one is a resistance sowhenever the price hits the resistanceor the support you can enter a traderight so short from here short from hereshort from here another touch in hereanother one another one if the pricemade it for example in here to thisplace you would be a long alright it isas simple as that so that's the rotationsetup the second setup also has veryoriginal name it's called the trend setup because you trade it when there is atrend what I'm going to show you is ashort trade scenario alright so I'mgoing to be talking about shorts now thefirst thing you want to do is identify atrend again it is best to identify atrend using the first deviations so inthis case it's actually pretty visibleif you look at the candles right theprice is just moving downwards no waythis was a rotation but anyways let'sstick to the rulefirst deviation heading downwards thisis a strong downtrend so we can startlooking for the trend set up and whatyou want to see is price moving belowthe first deviation like in here priceis moving below it and what we arewaiting for is a pullback to the firstdeviation here the price made thepullback touch the first deviation whatyou want to do is enter a short fromthis place right to participate in adowntrend the price is moving downwardsand the logic behind this setup is youwant to participate in a downtrendyou're looking for a place to do thatthe best place is to look for pullbackand enter a short from the place wherethe price hit and the first deviationalright that's itit's as simple as that another exampleof the same thing first deviation isheading downwards so there is a trend apretty clear downtrend the price ismoving below the first deviation that'swhat you want to see and what you arewaiting for is this pullback price makesa pullback the first deviation when ithits it you go short you go in thedirection of the trend you want toparticipate in the trend right prettysimple isn't it now let me briefly gothrough the trend setup a long tradescenario it's basically the same onlyreversed so I'm going to go through itmore quickly first thing you want to dois identify a trend obviously you wantto identify an uptrend so if you look atthis picture first deviation movingvertically moving upwards this tells youthat the price and volumes two areshifting upwardsso you want to see the price above thefirst deviation like in here and whatyou waiting for is pulled back the firstdeviation when the price hits the firstdeviation like in here you enter a longyou enter in the direction of the trendbecause you want to participate in thattrend right so that's the trend set upone more picture of that so firstdeviation moving vertically movingupwards this tells you that there's anuptrend and you want to see price movingabove that above the first deviationabove the first deviation for the wholetime actually so you just need to waitfor the pullbacksfirst pull back in here you go alonganother one in here another long nowthis play is the price missed the entrynote rate from there another touchanother one another one now in all casesis not that is it that simple this isjust a nice trade scenario where therewas a strong uptrend right now I'll dojust a little recap of the setups I knowthat they are pretty simple but I thinkit's important to do as many recaps aspossible so the first set up rotationsetup what we want to see is a rotationdeviations moving sideways and wheneverthe price hits those deviations you wantto enter a trade so this is a supportyou want to go along from there this oneis a resistance you want to go shortfrom therevo up is the magnet view up is the takeprofit well it doesn't need to be takeprofit I don't really like to sell hardrule to that but it is a good idea toplace your take profit at the view upnowtrend set up you use this one whenthere's a trend in this picture there isa downtrend because the first deviationis moving downwards what you are waitingfor is a pullback when the price touchesthe V Bob you enter a trade you enter ashort in the direction of the overalltrend all right so that's what thesetups but that's not all let's go a bitmore into the settings of how to set upat the V Bob now I'm going to be talkingabout the calculation period and if youlook at this screen this is a screenshot from the settings panel of myindicator my view up indicator now inhere you can choose whether you usedaily weekly monthly or yearly viv upnow what this means is this the dailyview app starts to calculate every day anew so this is the start of a new daythe vo app starts to calculate also thedeviations start to calculate then theday ends in here and the calculationalso stops and as the new day begins newcalculation begins anew so from here newV one gets calculated every day this isthe daily V Bob now if this was weeklyview up the new calculation will beginevery week if this was a monthly view upthe new calculation would begin everymonth and for yearly new calculationwould start at the start of every newyear now if you look in here there is mysuggestion of what settings you use ifyour internet raterthen what I suggest is using daily viewup and we clear up if you are a swingtrader then I suggest using monthly viewupor a yearly view up I personally use theyield in here and if you are a long-terminvestor then use the yearly vivo rightbecause for example monthly or theweekly view up would be just too wild tovote out for you and those wouldwouldn't really give you that muchinformation so if you're a long-terminvestor you want to use the long termyearly view up now let me show you thison example this is a workspace which I'musing for my internet trading this is myintro a trading workspacewhat you see here are three charts allthose charts are linked so they alwaysshow the same trading instrument so forexample if I switch to your dollarworking on this chart then also it willshow on those two alright so those arelinked this one is a 60-minute chart andin here I'm using the weekly view up soevery week new view up and newdeviations start to get calculatedalright this was the video up anddeviations this week and new week opensand new view a band deviations getcalculated all right so this is weeklyview up with 60-minute chart this isgiving me the bigger picture theoverview of the market now this chart inhere this is a 30-minute chart and onthis 30-minute chart I'm using dailyview up more volatile view up every daynew view up gets calculated so in herethere is market open the web getscalculated then it stopsthe next day again the same goes forother deviation as well right soI'm actually using TV labs for ourentire trading weekly and daily weeklygives me the big picture other daily andgives me more detailed picture now if Ihad to choose if I had to use just oneit would be the weekly I like the weeklymore it doesn't give that many signalsas the daily but it's more precise andthe signals are stronger so if you wantto start with in trading with vivo up iactually recommend first trying theweekly right so yeah this third chartthis is simple price action chart withdaily volume profile so there's no bebopin here now let's move on this is aswing trading workspace which I use itis just one chart it is a daily chartand on this chart I'm using only theyield view up so as this year ended viewup stop calculating new year started inhere and new calculation of view upbegan the same goes for the deviationsalright now when this year will endviewable stop calculating and new onewill start right so this is how I planmy swing trades using the yield aviv upgives pretty strong signals the yearlyone now another part which i want toshow you this is actually a prettyinteresting thing because i'm not reallysure that many people actually do thisbut this important thing so let me showyou i think it's pretty important to letthe view up develop before you starttrading with that before you startapplying those trading strategies ishowed you so the reason for you waitingfor the view up to develop is this theview up starts to calculate a new forexample every new dayview up starts to get calculated andbasically it pulls data from here itdoesn't have any data history so itstarts from here and it starts tocollect volume price and time data andin the first in the initial period itdoesn't have enough data so it's sort ofwild it's still collecting data butlater it has more data the indicatorgoes wider it's more stable and you candepend on those lines on the view up andon the deviations because this phase isjust too volatile and it's not reallygood idea to trade in this area rightbecause it's just collecting data thereso what I have in here for you this is arough setting of how I use that so whenI'm trading with the daily view app whatI recommend is waiting around five hoursbefore you start applying thosestrategies I showed you so in here itwould be somewhere in here this wouldmean no trading with view up in thisarea and then the rest of the day itwould be okay to trade with a view upalright so this is the place where it'scollecting data where it's volatilewhere you don't really want to tradewith view up nowwith a weekly view up it's best to waitaround two days with monthly view upit's ten days and we feel leave you upyou want to wait first two months of theyear before you start trading with theyield of Europe now those are just roughnumbers you don't need to follow themlike they are not set in stone right sothis is just rough numbers which I'musing if there is nice tradingopportunity and it sort of goes againstsome of those well you can take it it'snot that crucial to follow thembut you should always has some timebefore you leave the view up calculateand then trade it now the next couple ofpictures going to be just Australians ofI was talking about down so this is adaily view up in here you want to waitfive hours so this is market open thoseare first five hours you don't want touse a view up trading strategies thenthe rest of the day it's okay to tradethem the next day begins in here againfirst five hours no go then the rest ofthe day okay to use the view up now thisis weekly weekly view up which meansevery week new view obligates calculateda new so Monday Tuesday no trading withvivo up not with weekly view upWednesday Thursday Friday it's okaynext week starts in here again MondayTuesday novio up rest of the week okayto use the weekly view up monthly inhere I recommend waiting first ten daysof the month so this period don't tradewith veve up in here you need to waituntil it collects enough data then therest of the month is okay the last onethe yearly you live Eve up it startscalculating here January so JanuaryFebruary is best not to trade with theyearly viv up let it collect enough datathen as it starts to develop you canstart using it and you can trade with ituntil the end of the year here rightthen again January February no view upthe rest of the year it's okay to tradewith the vivonow this brings me into the next partfavorite combination view up plus volumeprofile now I don't know how many of youguys know about volume profiles so I'lljust do brief introduction of the volumeprofile I'll just tell you the mostimportant things about it alright sothis is how volume profile looks likeby the way volume profile one of my mostfavorite indicators probably my mostfavorite indicator well I wrote a bookabout it so it should be my mostfavorite indicator right anyways it is ahistogram which shows price at time andbasically what it says is those placeswere at the volume profile where thehistogram is thick this means that heavyvolumes got traded their heavy volumesmeans big trading institutions which youwant to follow in your trading so thoseprice levels should be working as astrong support and resistance levels allright that's the most important thing toremember about volume profile heavyvolume equals support or resistancethat's it and for this webinar it shouldsuffice but if you want to learn moreabout the volume profile definitely want

S&P 500: Volume Profile and Price Action Analysis for 2022

S&P 500: Volume Profile and Price Action Analysis for 2022 

hello guys it's dale here and in today'spost i would like to talk about the eswhich is futures for the standards andpoor's index 500.

index 500 

there's a nice intraday level to tradefrom so i'll show you that but beforethat i'd like to show you the trade fromyesterday's prediction on the australiandollar japanese yen that's from thepost which i sent you yesterdaythe trade was based on the rejectionsetup on those volumesthis was the short level i sent outyesterdayand this was the reactionso i hope you guys are trading that itwas a very nice reaction very nice tradevery precise trade entryso yeah that's about that prediction onthe australian dollar japanese yen fromyesterday let me now switch the chart tothe esso this is the es features for the s pindexit is a 30 minute chart and the thing iwanted to talk aboutis a trend setup which has formed theresolet me first show you that trend this isthe trend the setup is based on rightand as you can see that trendwent through several highsthose highsso this areaworked as a resistancein the past rightthe price was reacting to itnow the price went past that resistancewhich means that this resistance zonebecame a support zone right resistanceturned into a supportthat's what happens when resistance getsbreached and when the price gets past itthen it becomes a support it's old priceaction setup but there's also one morething and that thing isi would say more important than thatso let me

 use volume profile over thattrend areaand

 the important thing is thisthis volume clustersignificant volume areathat got formed within that uptrendnow such significant volume areaindicates that there were buyers addingto the long positions there at the placewhere the pricebroke all those highsright sostrong buyers who pushed through thatresistancewere adding to the long positions inherenow the price is above that support zoneabove that levelbut when there's a pullbacki expect that the buyers from this placewill want to defend that zoneand they'll want to push the priceupwards from there againall right so as you can see this is acombo of two trading setups one tradingsetup is based on volume profileright there this volume cluster createdwithin a trend this is a setup calledthe trend setupandalso the other setup is the setup whichsays that resistancebecomes a supportall rightso that supportis around 44 22 that's the support when the price makesit back to that supporti expect a reaction and i expect buyersto push the price upwards from thereagain all right so that's the logicbehind this trading idea on the esi hope you guys liked it i hope youliked the post if you would like tolearn more about trading with volumeprofile and if you would like to

 tradealongside me every day then what irecommendr

 and thenext best step isgo to trading course andtools so you click that you scroll downa bit and what i recommendis getting the elite back the elite packis an educational pack that will teachyou everything there is about tradingwith volume profile and there is a postwhich you can watch that will show youeverything that's included in the elitepack in chart the elite pack includes apost course it includes my date tradingand swing trading levels that you'll begetting each day it also includes volumeprofile indicators that i developed andalso a couple of bonuses now at the topof that it also includes free techsupport for elite bank members and whatthat means is that our tech support teamwill set up ninja trader a platform foryou with all my indicators they'll loadup my trading workspaces they'll connectyou to data feed and they'll do itcompletely free of charge as that's thepart of the service that we provide tothe leadpack members alright so that'sabout it that's about the led pack andthat's also about this post i hope youguys liked it i hope you found it usefuland i'll be looking forward to seeingyou next time in some next post or inour members area and until then happytrading

Forex Candlestick Language

Do NOT assume the outcome of the current candle.

A candle is not complete until that time period ends.

Common Candle Terms:(Best platrform for trading is xm mt5 For Me )

 Engulfing Bar, Piercing Bar, Dark Cloud Cover, Harami, Thrusting Line. Doji, Star, Hammer, Hangman COG – These have different levels of penetration into the prior bar’s range. 

NR, BT, TT – These are different levels of a slowing in momentum.

Changing of the Guard Bar - COG A Bullish COG is defined as three or more consecutive red bars followed by a green bar. Pristine Tip: While there are different variations, the message is always the same ! A reversal in momentum has occurred!

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Narrowing Range Bars - NRB 

A series of bars in which the difference between the highs and lows is Narrowing

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Pristine Tip: While there are different variations, the message is always the same ! A slowing in momentum is occurring ! earn internet binance mt4

Topping Tail Bars - TT  credit mt5 web

Bars in which prices had been higher, then supply forced prices lower into the lower part of the bars range. Pristine Tip: While there are different variations, the message is always the same ! Distribution has occurred !

Bottoming Tail Bars - BT Bars in which prices had been lower, then demand forced prices higher into the upper part of the bars range. Pristine Tip: While there are different variations, the message is always the same! Accumulation has occurred !

Narrow Range Bodies (NR) Pristine Tip: While there are different variations, the message is always the same ! A slowing in momentum has occurred !

Wide Range Bar (WRB) A bar in which the candle’s body is relatively wide compared to the most recent bars A Wide Range Bar after an extended advance or decline typically happens near the end of a move. A NR or COG signals the turn. 

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Free MACD Strategy Trading 2021

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 this is theintroduction andrelease Post slash tutorial post forthe newmacd trading strategy script this isbased on the classicmacd strategy where all it uses isan ema with the macd so if we zoom inyou can see the basic strategy beingused herewhenever there is a cross upon the macd that happens below the zeroline of the histogramthat is a long as long as price is abovethe ema and if we look to a shortwe can see whenever there is a crossdownon the macd that happens above the zerolinewe get a short position as long as itoccursbelow the ema now with this script thereare abunch of different customizable featuresthat i'm going to gothrough because you can really changethe settings andcustomize it to