how to make 1000 $ in us30 day training addict and i haveanother great video for you guystoday i'm going to show you guys theonly us dirty trading strategyyou will ever need okay i'm going toshow you how to make1k a day trading the us 30. so you readyokay so let's go now the strategythat we are going to use to make 1ka day is called supply and demand andi'm going to show you guys a live videolater on okay so bear with me but i wantto show you guysexamples first on why i actuallytrade this strategy okay i'm gonna showyou guys why this strategy is sopowerfulso if you look at this screen right nowwe arelooking for aggressive buying andaggressive selling why is that wellwe all know that us retailers we cannotpush the market so we have tofollow the leader i know some of youguys you knowprobably have been taught hey man youknow don'tbe a follower be a leader no in thisgame guys you wantto be a follower you want to follow therich okay you don't want to follow th...